Litos Group, Mexico City, MX
Warehouse / Distribution Center
Owner: Litos Group
Flooring contractor: Muros Precolados y Pisos Industriales
Readymix: Cementos Apasco S.A. de C.V.
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Large slab designs that reduce wear and maintenance

The Litos Group has many years of experience in the construction, rental and administration of industrial buildings and other types of real estate.


Megapark, in the town of Tepotzotlán to the north of Mexico City, is its flagship project. It has more than 350,000 m² of warehouse space available for rent to clients in different industries. Surrounding it are another 350,000 m² of exterior pavements. Both areas are reinforced with Dramix® steel fibers.

The challenge


The construction of Megapark was a long-term project that was to be completed over the course of a number of years. The initial proposal was to use traditional 4 x 4 meter saw-cut concrete slabs for the warehouse space and exterior pavements. However, it was soon recognized that this would lead to problems in the future. Joints between traditional saw-cut concrete floors wear, leading to inconveniences during operation and subsequent maintenance costs.


The owner was therefore looking for a solution that would reduce these problems to the minimum.

Litos Group, Mexico City, MX - Project

The solution


Bekaert was initially requested to provide Dramix® 3D 80/60 to reinforce the traditional saw-cut floor as requested by the owner. However, over the two-year period from preliminary design to the start of the construction of the floor, the Bekaert team worked closely with the owner and the building contractor to jointly develop a more advantageous design. This was to use 40 x 35 meter jointless slabs reinforced with 28 kg/m³ of Dramix® 3D 80/60.


The use of these large jointless 17-cm deep slabs has significantly reduced wear and maintenance despite heavy usage by trucks, hard-wheeled forklifts and other vehicles.

Talk to an expert

Let’s talk about your project and discover what Dramix® fibers can do for you.