Dramix® Software tools

Cost & Carbon Calculator


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Calculate your Cost & CO2 savings by choosing smart concrete reinforcement!

What does this calculator do?

In a few clicks, it allows you to compare the costs and the carbon emissions of a traditional concrete reinforcement solution (mesh/rebar) with a Dramix® steel fiber solution, tailored exactly to your project! Using your input, the calculator generates an analysis of the potential cost savings and CO2 reduction achieved by choosing a steel fiber concrete reinforcement solution.


How is it tailored to my project?

Tailor the concrete reinforcement solution to your specific project by inputting its details like the floor area and the construction materials - It takes every factor into account: saved steel and concrete, saved construction days, fuel/energy consumption, among many others. No download needed, get started by clicking the button below. 

How does it work?

Claire Gandee will guide you step-by-step on how to effectively use this tool to estimate both the financial costs and carbon footprint savings associated with replacing a traditional reinforcement solution with Dramix® steel fibers in your flooring projects. Whether you're an engineer, contractor, or sustainability enthusiast, this calculator is essential for making informed decisions that balance performance, cost, and environmental impact.

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