BMW, Greer, South Carolina, USA
Manufacturing hall
Jointless floor with rebar at strategic locations
General contractor/Owner: BMW
Concrete contractor: Wayne Brothers
Concrete supplier: Concrete Supply Company
Engineering office: Ghafari & Associates
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Dramix® fibers optimize BMW press shop construction process

BMW, the renowned automobile manufacturer, embarked on a critical project to construct a state-of-the-art press shop at their manufacturing plant in Greer, South Carolina, USA. The plant produces over 1,500 vehicles per day. The cornerstone of this project was the creation of a robust and jointless floor to accommodate their precision pressing production processes.

The challenge


The BMW press shop project required a jointless slab to meet the requirements of the manufacturing process. Traditional reinforcement methods involved a double mesh of rebar, which was labor-intensive and time-consuming. To enhance construction efficiency and save costs, Wayne Brothers proposed Dramix® as an alternative solution. The project encountered challenges in areas where the pit walls were subject to soil pressure, needing additional rebar reinforcement to prevent cracking and structural issues.

The solution


To provide a value engineered solution to the contractor without sacrificing performance, a Dramix® 4D 65/60BG jointless floor solution was utilized. The jointless slab was skillfully designed to tie seamlessly into walls and pit walls. The main engineering firm, Ghafari and Associates, known for their expertise in steel fiber reinforcement, played a pivotal role in implementing this innovative solution. Concrete Supply Company supplied the concrete needed for the project, while the general contractor/owner, BMW, coordinated the overall construction efforts. Through the strategic application of Dramix® steel fibers and additional rebar in specific locations, the project achieved both cost and schedule savings, ensuring a sturdy and reliable foundation for the BMW press shop’s manufacturing operations.

Talk to an expert

Let’s talk about your project and discover what Dramix® fibers can do for you.