DB Schenker
Warehouse / Distribution Center
Jointless floor
Owner: DB Schenker LLC
Project Management: DCM International
Contractor: Amana Group
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DB Schenker finds high performance steel fiber does more with less

In 2021, a warehouse of 23,000 m2 floor space was commissioned by DB Schenker to accommodate its 3PL logistics operations. This development formed part of the DB Schenker Logistics Center in Dubai. It was offered as a ‘design and build’ contract with Amana Group.

The challenge


The warehouse needed to accommodate racking systems, which when fully occupied would impose ‘point loads’ of up to 11 tones. With demand for the facility already building up, the timescale for the project was tight. Maintenance downtime in a 3PL warehouse can be very costly, so durability was important. The client was also keen to achieve a ‘smarter’ more sustainable solution.

Linder, North Carolina, US

The solution


Working with the contractor Amana, Bekaert proposed an alternative to the traditional saw-cut, mesh rebar reinforced Slab On Grade floor: a Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete ‘jointless’ approach using Bekaert’s high performance Dramix® 4D fiber.


SFRC floors involve significantly less casting time (no time spent ‘fixing’ steel rebar) and large slabs can be cast without saw-cuts: this reduces casting time and, with no cut edges to degrade under heavy traffic, future maintenance costs are reduced too.


High performance Dramix® 4D fibers have a tensile strength exceeding 1,800 MPa and extra anchorage mechanisms, so the 200 mm thick floor could be cast with just 20 kg of fiber per m3 of concrete – achieving more with less, in a smart and sustainable solution.


Talk to an expert

Let’s talk about your project and discover what Dramix® fibers can do for you.